pre- exam Question paper Class, 9th ENGLISH 2022 , प्री- एक्साम 2022 कक्षा 9 वीं अंग्रेज़ी हेतु प्रश्न पत्र विद्यार्थी इसे हल करके विद्यालय में जमा कर सकतें हैं

 सभी को नमस्कार 

जैसा की आप सभी जानते हैं लोक शिक्षण संचालनालय (DPI) मध्यप्रदेश के पत्र क्रमांक समग्र/ 105/ 2022/ 159  भोपाल दिनांक 17 जनवरी 2022 द्वारा कक्षा 10वीं व 12वीं के विद्यार्थियों के लिए प्री बोर्ड परीक्षा का आयोजन कराए जाने के संबंध में निर्देश जारी किए जा कर इसका टाइम टेबल जारी किया गया है।

इसी पत्र के अंत में कक्षा 9 वी एवं 11वीं के विद्यार्थियों हेतु शाला बंद रहने की अवधि में प्रश्न बैंकों के प्रश्नों को अपने गृह कार्य की कॉपी में हल करके विद्यालय में जमा करने हेतु निर्देशित किया गया है इस पत्र में यह उल्लेखित किया गया है कि कक्षा नवी और ग्यारहवीं के विद्यार्थियों द्वारा स्वयं से प्रश्नों को हल करके जमा करना उनके लिए प्री एग्जाम माना जावेगा।

यहाँ यह बताना चाहूँगा कक्षा 9 व् 11 की वार्षिक परीक्षा के पूर्व की परीक्षा pre -exam कहलाती है जिसे lok shikshan sanchaalnaly (DPI)  भोपाल द्वारा आयोजित किया जाता है . 

विद्यार्थियों के समक्ष यह दुविधा है कि वह किस प्रकार के प्रश्नों को हल करके विद्यालय में जमा करें ताकि आगामी समय में यदि कोरोना के कारण कोई वार्षिक परीक्षा आयोजित नहीं हो पाती है तो इस प्री एग्जाम के अंक भी उन्हें प्राप्त हो सके।

ऐसे में विद्यार्थियों की सुविधा को दृष्टिगत रखते हुए पर कक्षा नवी और ग्यारहवीं के सभी विषयों के मॉडल प्रश्न पत्र उपलब्ध हैं  विद्यार्थियों से अपेक्षा है कि वह इन प्रश्न पत्रों को प्रश्न बैंक की सहायता से या जहां से भी उन्होंने याद किया हो उसकी सहायता से हल करके विद्यालय में जमा कर सकते हैं निश्चित तौर पर विद्यार्थियों को इन जमा की गई उत्तर पुस्तिकाओं से अंक प्राप्त होंगे। यदि विद्यार्थियों ने विद्यालय से कोई और प्रश्न पत्र प्राप्त कर उसे हल करके जमा कर दिया हो तो इसे केवल प्रैक्टिस के रूप में हल कर सकते हैं 

इस पोस्ट में  कक्षा 9 वीं अंग्रेज़ी (   ENGLISH)  विषय के    प्री एग्जाम 2022 का मॉडल प्रश्न पत्र प्रस्तुत किया गया है विद्यार्थी इस प्रश्न पत्र के प्रश्नों को अपनी उत्तर पुस्तिका में हल करके विद्यालय में जमा कर सकते हैं   कक्षा 9 वीं व् 11 वीं के  सभी विषयों के प्रश्न पत्र  इस वेबसाइट   पर उपलब्ध हैं कृपया उन्हें भी देखकर हल करके विद्यालय में जमा कर सकते हैं। इस प्रश्न पत्र को वार्षिक परीक्षा के ब्लूप्रिंट के अनुरूप प्री एग्जाम 2022  हेतु तैयार किया गया है । विद्यार्थी स्वयम उत्तर खोजकर लिखे इसी लिए इसके उत्तर नहीं लिखे जा रहे हैं 

                       कक्षा 9 वीं अंग्रेज़ी (   ENGLISH)  प्री एग्जाम 2022 का मॉडल प्रश्न पत्र 

                       (विद्यार्थी इन  प्रश्नों को हल करके  विद्यालय में जमा कर सकतें हैं )

           प्री एग्जाम 2021-22

                  विषय:  अंग्रेज़ी  (ENGLISH) 

               कक्षा :  9 वीं 

समय-3.00 घण्टे पूर्णांक-80

Instructions - 

(1) Read all the questions carefully and answer them.

 (2) All questions are compulsory. 

(3) Marks are indicated against each question.


Q.1 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below [5x1=5]

Lalita sowed some tomato seeds in her garden.

The seeds grew into little plants after a few days.

She  removed every weed. She never allowed any i

nsect near her pet plants. When the days were hot, 

she watered the plants. She put compost under the plants.

The flowers grew and became big. The  tiny green tomatoes

began to show. Lalita and her sister watered the plants daily.

A very large  beautiful tomato grew in the plant. Her father said,

“It is the finest tomato I have ever seen”. The  sisters were very happy.  

(i) What did Lalita sow in her garden? 

a) Plants b) seeds c) trees d) grass 

(ii) What did she not allow? 

a) birds near plants b) insects near plants 

c) flies near plants d) pets near plants 

(iii) What did she put under the plants? 

a) Water b) Compost c) Weeds d) Flowers 

(iv) Which of the following is similar in meaning to ‘tiny’? 

a) large b) big c) small d) giant 

(v) Why were the sisters happy? 

a) because flowers grew in their garden

b) because a tomato grew in their garden

c) because plants grew in their garden

d) because their father was happy 

Q.2 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below [5x1=5]

There seems to be a general opinion in this country that Sardar Patel was slightly

of harsh and rough  temperament. Men called him the ‘Iron man of India.

He was no doubt, an iron man in the sense  that one could rely on him for

strict and efficient administration. But as a man, to those who had the 

good fortune of coming into close contact with him, he was kind and

considerate. At time, he even  became emotional where his personal

friends and followers were concerned. However, it goes 

without saying that the Sardar Patel had the great skill for organizing affairs.

He knew the way of  picking people and putting them in their proper place.

Once he judged a man and found him correct,  he trusted him fully

and got him to do anything he wanted.  


i) Sardar Patel was called------------ 

ii) Sardar Patel had the great skill--------------- 

iii) He was kind and considerate for---------- 

iv) One could rely on him for strict and efficient: 

(a) People 

(b) Work 

(c) Administration 

v) Find out the word from the passage which means-‘luck’


Q.3 Read the following passage and make notes on it and also give a suitable title to it. (4)

Biogas is a mixture of methane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and hydrogen

sulphide, the major  constituent being methane. Biogas is produced by

anaerobic degradation of animal wastes  (sometimes plant wastes)

in the presence of water. Anaerobic degradation means break–down of 

organic matter by bacteria in the absence of oxygen. Biogas is a non-polluting,

clean and low-cost  fuel which is very useful for rural areas where a lot of animal

waste and agricultural waste are  available. India has the largest cattle population

in the world (240 million) and has tremendous  potential for biogas production.

From cattle dung alone, we can produce biogas of a magnitude of  22,500 mm3 annually.

Air-tight digestion/degradation of animal waste is safe as it eliminates health  hazards which

normally occur in case of direct use of dung due to direct exposure to

faecal  pathogens and parasites .  

Q.4 Write an application to the principal of your school asking three days leave as you are ill.  (4)


You are Pawan Mishra, write a letter to your friend Deepak Verma inviting him to attend your  younger brother's birthday party.  

Q.5 Write an Essay on any one of the following topics in 150 words 5

a) An Indian Festival  

b) Wonders of Science 

c) Importance of Trees 

d) My Hobby 

e) Environment Protection

 Q.6  Last you went on a picnic with your family. Look at the picture given below and write a short  paragraph about how you enjoyed your picnic. ? (In  about 75 words) 3


Q-7 Fill in the blanks choosing the correct alternative given in the brackets. (any five)  (1×5=5)       

1. _______ Sun rises in the East. (a/an/the) 

2. The book is ____the table. (on/upon) 

3. We _____to watch the movie yesterday. (go/went)  

4. Christmas is celebrated _ 25th Decmber. (in/on) 

5. How---- pages did you read? (much/many) 

6. Hindi ____the official language of Madhya Pradesh. (is/are) 

7. ------ she works hard, she will fail. (If/Unless) 

8. Anita is taller ------ Sanjay (from/than) 

9. They have been playing here _____ morning. (since/for)

10. We need -----money (some/any) 

Q.8 Do as directed (any five) (1×5=5)

1. Children are playing in the park. (Change into present perfect tense)   

 2. If you don’t study regularly, you won’t learn your lessons.  

(Rewrite using ‘Unless’ in place of ‘If’) 

3. He is very tired. He cannot work anymore. (Combine using ‘so---that’) 

4. your pen? / Can / give me / you  

(Rearrange the jumbled words into a meaningful sentence) 

5. Ankit played Hockey (Change into Present Indefinite Tense) 

6. Rohan speaks English. (Change the sentence into negative)  

7 They played hockey. (Change into passive voice) 

8 Unless you work hard, you can’t pass. (Use “if” in place of “unless”)

9 you went there yesterday. (Change into interrogative) 

10. He saw a snake. (Change into Past Perfect Tense) 


Q.9 Choose The correct option from choice given below and rewrite (1×6=6)

1. What did Tommy find? 

a) an old book with yellow crinkly pages b) a tele book  

c) a brand-new book d) a diary 

2. What does ‘diverge’ mean? 

(a) common(b) separated(c) joined(d) connected 

3.What is the name of the master percussionist who praised Evelyn?

(a) James Brown(b) James Blades(c) James Horn (d) James Woodson 

4. Where did Bismillah play the Shehnai on 15th August 1947? 

(a) Ganga Ghat(b) Banaras(c) Red Fort(d) Montreal 

5. Who breaks the shutters of the window? 

(a) Children(b) A boy(c) A naughty boy(d) Wind

6. Who is the poet of the poem ‘The Snake Trying’? 

(a) Edward Lear(b) W.W.E. Ross(c) Gieve Patel(d) William Wordsworth

Q.10(a) Read the following extract and answer the questions given below- (1×3=3)  

At the age of two-and-a-half, Einstein still wasn’t talking.

When he finally did learn to speak, 

he uttered everything twice. Einstein did not know what to do

with other children, and his  playmates called him “Brother Boring.”

So, the youngster played by himself much of the  time.

He specially loved mechanical toys. Looking at his

new-born sister, Maja, he is said to  have said: “Fine, but where are her wheels?”  


(i). By what age did Einstein not learn to speak? 

(A) three and half years(B) four and half years (C) two and a half years 

(ii). What did Albert’s classmates call him? 

A) a genius (B) dull (C) brother boring  

(iii). What did Einstein love to play with? 

 A) plastic toys B) mechanical toys C) friends 

Q.10(b) Read the following extract and answer the question given below (1×3=3) 

Wind, come softly 

Don’t break the shutters of the windows 

Don’t scatter the papers 

Don’t throw down the books on the shelf. 


i)Whom does the poet request in the above lines? 

ii)Write any one action of the wind. 

iii)Find out a word from the extract which means “thrown in different directions”.

Q.11 Answer the following questions in 30 words (any Six) (2×6=12)

1. What did Margie write in her diary?  

2. What subjects did Margie and Tommy learn? 

3. Who helped Evelyn to continue with music? What did he do and say? 
 4. How does Evelyn hear music ? 
5. Who were the people in Kezia’s family?
6. What did Einstein call his desk drawer at the patent office? Why?
7.Where was Abdul Kalam's house? 
8.Why was Santosh Yadav sent to the local School?  
9.How did Santosh begin to climb mountains? 
10. How did the author's wife react to the proposal of sending Bruno to Mysore?
11.Name the two temples the author visited in Kathmandu? 
12. How was Maria treated by her fellow students at Florida?
Q.12 Answer the following question in 30 words- (any two) 2×2=4
1.Where does the traveller find himself? What problem does he face?
2.Who has written the poem 'Wind'?
3.What does the poet like to do when it rains?
4.How does a tree become strong?
Q.13 – Answer the following question in 30 words- (any two) ( 2×2=4)
1.What are the things the child sees on his way to the fair?
2.Name all the people who are tried in the king’s court
3.Why does the Happy Prince send a ruby for the seamstress?
4.Who was Behrman?
Q.14 – Answer the following question in 70 words- (any two) ( 3×2=6)
1.How does Tommy describe the old kind of school?
2.When was Evelyn's deafness first noticed? When was it confirmed ?
3.Why did Abdul Kalam want to leave Rameswaram?
What did his father say to this? What  do you think his words mean?
4.How was the problem of what to do with Bruno finally solved?
Q.15 – Answer the following question in 70 words- (any one) ( 3)
1.What do the two roads stand for?
2.What is the meaning of bleeding bark? What makes it bleed?
Q.16 – Answer the following question in 70 words- (any one) ( 3)
1.What do you think happens in the end of the story ‘The Lost Child’?
Does the child find his  parents?
2.Why do the courtiers call the prince ‘the Happy Prince’?
आपके लिए यह भी उपयोगी हो सकता है 👇


आपके लिए यह भी उपयोगी हो सकता है 👇

 प्रश्न बैंक कक्षा 9  डाउनलोड के लिए नीचे दी👇 विषयवार लिंक क्लिक करें )

👉कक्षा 9 हिंदी विषय की प्रश्न बैंक डाउनलोड करने के लिए इस लिंक को क्लिक करें

👉कक्षा 9 अंग्रेजी  विषय की प्रश्न बैंक डाउनलोड करने के लिए इस लिंक को क्लिक करें

👉कक्षा 9 संस्कृत   विषय की प्रश्न बैंक डाउनलोड करने के लिए इस लिंक को क्लिक करें

👉कक्षा 9 विज्ञान विषय की प्रश्न बैंक डाउनलोड करने के लिए इस लिंक को क्लिक करें

👉कक्षा 9 गणित विषय की प्रश्न बैंक डाउनलोड करने के लिए इस लिंक को क्लिक करें

👉कक्षा 9 सामाजिक विज्ञान   विषय की प्रश्न बैंक डाउनलोड करने के लिए इस लिंक को क्लिक करें


एक टिप्पणी भेजें

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